Course Feedback Survey

Thank you for participating in this course. We hope you found it to be beneficial and applicable to your daily work. We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please complete this quick survey and let us know your thoughts. We value your feedback and thank you in advance for your time and opinion!

Course Feedback
How satisfied were you with the ability to enroll and navigate your student profile? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much
How relevant and helpful do you think it was for your job? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much
How satisfied were you with the content of the training? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much
How satisfied were you with your instructors ability to provide clear instructions and answer questions? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much

In regards to the Learning Management System, How satisfied were you with the following?

1 = Very dissatisfied 5 = Very satisfied
Ease of access *
Course and lesson page instructions *
Ability to navigate *
Ability to locate and complete assignments *
Technical Support *
How satisfied were you with your overall experience? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much
How likely are you to recommend this training to a colleague? *
1 is not very, 5 is very much