ADEK Counselors’ Certification Program
“ Welcome to the Career Counselors’ Certification Program, a joint strategic initiative between the Abu Dhabi Department of Education (ADEK) and the National Career Development Association (NCDA), to train and develop Emirati career counselors.”
Classes will be held every Thursday starting on September 7th
from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. UAE time
NCDA Facilitating Career Development Training provides individuals with relevant skills and knowledge to assist others in planning careers and obtaining meaningful work.
Established in 1913, NCDA is the premier provider of professional development in the career field. With a nationwide system of instructors, NCDA has prepared over 25,000 Career Services Providers and Facilitators for inter/national certification.
Initial leadership in the development of the Facilitating Career Development concept was taken by the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) through its Career Development Training Institute (CDTI) which had representatives from 15 associations on its Board. Through a CDTI grant to Oakland University, Howard Splete, Judy Hoppin, and others developed Career Development Facilitator competencies, a Career Development Facilitator curriculum, and a Career Development Facilitator instructor training curriculum.
A major emphasis in the initial effort was to develop a curriculum and train instructors who would in turn develop programs to train Career Service Providers. Instructors are developing programs in a variety of settings including colleges, community colleges, and state agencies. The programs are delivered in different ways, including intensive three-week and semester-long programs. Programs may carry college credit, continuing education credit, and/or certificates of completion.
Individuals who successfully complete the NCDA Facilitating Career Development training program are now eligible to apply for the Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) credential. Click here to learn more about the CCSP.