MAGNET Training – Cohort Two
Webinars and Recordings
Overview: This customized training consisted of two, six-hour virtual workshops that cover eight competencies utilizing best practices and strategies for delivering high-quality effective program services to workforce and career development customers.
Competencies Covered:
- Principles of Communication
- Assessment
- Consultation
- Workforce Development Structure, Policies, and Programs
- Ethical and Legal Issues
- Employability Skills
- Labor Market Information & Resources
Case Management Fundamentals Course
Overview: This course targets learners who are new to job seeker services and workforce development case management. Content is designed to orient new hires to the important role of case management within the workforce development system and will equip learners with the key elements of an effective case management system, the fundamental roles, and responsibilities of a case manager/career practitioner, and the case management-focused process that will enable them to successfully guide job seekers through workforce development programs and services.
Career Advising Fundamentals Course
Overview: This course will provide learners with an overview of career advising within the workforce development system. Learning objectives will include career assessments, individual career planning, career transition planning, and retention strategies. These objectives will be underpinned and woven together by focusing on the importance of relationships throughout the advising process; each topic will stress the importance of building a strong and productive relationship with job seekers as learners guide them through the career advising process and support them in the achievement of their identified career goals.