Career Development Forum – September 2024

Instructions:  A customer makes an appointment with you to find work. The individual needs assistance with housing and meals.

You will make 1 original post and respond to at least 1 classmate’s post.

1. To whom in your local area do you refer them for this assistance?

2. What techniques have you found especially helpful to use in an intake interview to discover barriers that a customer might be facing?

3. Describe 1-2 techniques you use that work well for you.

Instructors Tips:

  1. For your original post, create 1-2 paragraphs in response to the 3 questions above.
  2. For the 2nd post, create at least 1 paragraph in response to another classmate
  3. Feel free to respond to more than one classmate!

Remember that our learning group works in a full-value environment: We treat our colleagues with respect and professionalism. Our comments should reflect this culture.

One thought on “Career Development Forum – September 2024”

  1. hmondak says:

    If the client needs assistance with housing and meals then I would refer them to The Cornerstone in Beaver County is a resource in Beaver County that provides emergency shelter, housing assistance, basic needs, and resources for individuals and families that are experiencing homelessness or housing- related crisis. Emergency food assistance along with local churches would be able to assist with food from their food pantry. If they were a veteran, I would also recommend calling Veteran Services. Once their basic needs were met then we could look at employment services that PA CareerLink as well as Job Training can assist with.
    The technique I use in the OSY intake interview to discover barriers is the WIOA Youth Program Questionnaire which gives barrier questions and the WRAT test in case they are deficient in reading or math. If in doubt then I also ask my co-workers for their guidance.

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