Instructions: You have been asked to help design a career assessment program for your customers. What are one or two assessments [formal or informal] you would use with your customers? Make one original post and then respond to one classmate’s post. You will make a total of two posts.
Remember that our learning group works in a full value environment: We treat our colleagues with respect and professionalism. Our comments should reflect this culture.
In our American Job Centers we offer a wide variety of assessments that can be used to assess skills, abilities, and to delve into interest inventories. To get a job seeker started doing career exploration we would have them take the Work Keys Fit test and use that for baseline conversations or the O-Net tools can be very helpful as well starting with the interest profiler. We would also use a TABE test to get a base math and reading level or maybe suplement that with other work keys tests especially if we are going to pay for training to ensure that person has basic skills to be successful in school or whether they may need remediation of some type.
My program like yours, provides the same (O*Net, TABE) to my participants. This is done before we can place them in paid work experience, on the job training, or in school programs (training, certificates, associate’s, GED). It can seemed as obstacles to the participants but with explanation and information, they become receptive.
I agree with the natural progression to start with a baseline assessment tool to get that conversation going and then to identify where their skills and passions are. Too many times a person believes their interests are in something and then after further discussions they indicate the reason why they are looking at that career goal is because it pays well, it is available now, or they know someone who has done that occupation (“My dad was a firefighter and so was his dad and his dad’s brother”). It may not fit their skill level or overall interest.
I agree with the fact the clients often believes that their interest in something and later on change their mind. specially, those who are new to the program who are not familiar with the resources, training, education that our program offers. During orientation, we present to the clients all the services we provide for them and for their family as well. After orientation, we take the clients individually to assess, then prepare a plan, do, check and act to guide them towards their goal.
My experience has been working with participants in a healthcare training service program, so I always had the utmost confidence that the people we serviced wanted to go into the healthcare field as a career. Then, would send them on to training. But, I have since moved on to be a Job Coach, and I appreciate this insight and will use it to my advantage when working with our participants. I hope to establish a baseline assessment tool, and now I can be mindful with exploring possible incongruencies between our participants skills set and their desired career.
Much of the assessments I use initially are informal to get a baseline understanding of what the customer has done in the past, what worked, what didn’t work, why it didn’t work, and what they are very passionate about. This includes finding out what they do on their free time. If someone works on cars on their free time as a hobby but doesn’t feel like they can make enough money in a job, then it needs to be explored a bit more to see if there is an occupation that might give that person some of the car hobby attributes. Although they wouldn’t make enough money working in a auto parts store or becoming a mechanic, maybe they would want to do something that they never thought of such as working on racing tours going into the racetracks in advance and performing work to prepare for the race. There are many positions outside of the obvious positions (those positions that get named when you ask kids what they want to be when they grow up) that could fit the needs of the customer and be something that they didn’t know they wanted to do; identifying those dream positions that are hidden gems becomes challenging, but finding them is when you know you have done your job well.
Asking them for past history takes those pieces of information and gives you a hazy picture of what has happened in the past and what goals could be set to provide a short or long-term action plan. If something didn’t work in the past, it is good to get that understanding and attempt to remove those barriers, either through supportive services or short term goal planning. Knowing what didn’t work well is as necessary as what worked well. The person also should be able to take that action plan and have a realistic expectation that there may be some training, work experience, or goal setting themselves outside of the immediate action plan that should be tweaked along the way to get to the long term goal. Therefore, it only works if the customer takes ownership of the action plan and uses it consistently throughout the process.
Hi Mari, I love the idea of getting a whole person sense for where they have been and where they want to go next. It takes time to develop that relationship and get the details you need to provide some guidance. Painting a picture for yourself and the client in a comprehensive way is helpful to build a set of goals and strategies to meet those goals. Comprehensive Assessment.
I admire how your program is based on the fundamentals of a kid having aspirations to what they want to be when they grow up. I believe it is extremely important to assess the past history of an individual just as much as it is essential to assess where an individual is currently. Helping your client develop and execute an action plan that is realistic is vital to building confidence in an individual to be successful. Those short term goals along the action plan will make an easy build-up towards the ultimate long-term goal within the action plan.
My teammates and myself used both informal and formal assessments with our participants. The formal assessments are using the Holland theory (such as RIASEC codes, career exploration-O*Net interest profiler) and TABE test. The informal is through the “biopsychosocial” method.
The results from the formal assessment such as the O*Net, leads to being informal. This is because as career planners, we explain, educate, and inform about the results to the participants. By doing so, it then allows us to get to know better the participant as a whole (interests, intent, wants, needs, and deficiencies.) With the TABE test, I think it also allows us to conduct and informal assessment. With the results, we can determine and or get understanding where the participant excelled and lacked. This then leads to providing the grade level for enrolment of courses, resources and referrals.
In the biopsychosocial informal assessment, I am able to meet the participant where he/she is at. It also allows to get to know the participant and their environment.
I think you raise the most important point of what we do – the relationship between the career coach and the participant. It is personal and it takes time but it is where we bring the most value. Formal and informal assessments along with conversations and creating an Individual Education Plan all come down to understanding the participant well and providing the necessary support and information they need to make the best decision for themselves. It is the essence of what we do and what ties it all together. Being knowledgeable about all of the tools at our disposal and which tool to use when is what separates the good career coach from the great one. We must never forget the value that basic human relationship skills like listening and understanding can bring to those we serve.
As with any coaching situation you need to understand the person you are dealing with. Some people respond better to some methods while other require a different approach. You must always see through ta persons façade and work with the real issues. Just because a person tells you they want to work management does not always mean they want to work management. Deep down they may want to work outside with their hands. It is our responsibility to get to the point where the person lets us see their real desire.
I agree with you, it is very important the relationship between the career coach and Participant. If we establish that trust with them by listening and understanding at the initial appointment they will feel more at ease and then we can provide them with the necessary support services.
As others have indicated, there is no one tool or assessment that can provide the best solution. The best solution comes from a variety of indicators found through assessments, interest, and desire to succeed. Assessments can certainly provide some places to start exploring. I have found that assessments can also become a barrier to those who may most need our services; they can be intimidating for someone with little confidence or low self-esteem. For those that have not been to school in a while, it can be the thing that stops me from exploring real options for fear of failure. We need to frame the purpose of assessments for most customers and explain what will happen and what the information will be used to do. Maybe the assessment shouldn’t be the first thing we go to for evaluation.
I like the O*Net and the WorkKeys assessments because the focus is on connecting to specific occupations and that can provide insight into oneself. I think we need to do better at fully understanding how to interpret assessment results. We should understand what’s behind the score, how they were determined, and what occupations are similar that could benefit from skills that a client brings with them – transferrable skills combined with interests may provide the best occupation – even if the prior work/skills obtained did not result in a satisfactory career. So many people have skills they don’t know how to articulate or measure and specific, hard skills aptitude tests could help.
With the movement toward competency-based education and skills recognition like badging or micro-credentialing, I think we are becoming more hyper-focused on the skills actually required to do a job rather than on the assumptions of knowledge that a degree should have provided. These are big changes for education and it won’t come easy, but it seems to be a smarter and more efficient use of someone’s time and resources.
I also like the O*Net assessment. I think that its a very laid back type of assessment that provides the reminder that there is no wrong answers, its truly based on the clients interests. I think its also a great way to better learn about clients in a different form to better address their needs and wants.
At JEVS Human Services, we utilize different types of assessments depending on the activities that the client is partaking at the time; either mandatory or voluntarily. We use the assessments to learn more about the individual’s needs, to be able to define, select, design, collect, analyze, interpret, and use the information to prepare a plan to guide the participant towards their goal. We also utilize the assessment to evaluate participant’s performance in the activities designed to develop their skills, plan, do , check, and act in accordance to the information collected.
I believe it is very important to have different methods of assessments specially since you are dealing with people who are participating mandatory and voluntarily, I like how meticulously you mentioned all your steps to gather all information before you prepare a plan.
At the university level, I would design a career assessment program that uses both informal and formal assessments. During the initial intake process we would conduct an interview with the student and complete an informal assessment to evaluate the basic needs and interest to determine the current stage of progress the individual is at. There is less validity to our informal assessment therefore it will be quickly followed up by a series of formal assessment. The formal assessment will evaluate all aspects of the individual including personality, skills , and abilities. Formal assessment would be timed and included a series of well-structured questions to determine that direct needs for that individual based on the results of their skills assessment and career beliefs inventory. They will also complete a personality inventory and ability test. All of these formal assessments will be combined with the informal assessment results and contribute to the plan and progress for an individual development plan.
I agree with the way you have created the assessments. Great job. This will help all individuals that have no idea what to study in the future.
One issue I have with a large number of assessments is questions which the person answers but really does not care about any of the possible answers. For example would you rather do go dancing or to the ballet. What about the person who does not like either? I have found long survey with too many choices solicit invalid results. On a scale of 1 to 10 is too fine a detail. Like, don’t like, or no opinion would result in a more accurate assessment. The O*Net seems to allows an individual to make selections and refine the selections as they progress. I like this as it fits more with my way of thinking, start with a wide area and refine down. The second is the Self Directed Search. This method allows the person to answer Yes/No Like/Dislike. As with any tool the validity of the results must be carefully evaluate and any bias must be eliminated.
Hello Roy,
I fully agree with you that some assessments having some questions that will not show any particular interest a person may have. It could be that some assessments are too long in a sense that they may contain a large amount of questions and a client loses interests in the questions. They could be clicking along just to get by.
I love assessments they are fun!
What are one or two assessments [formal or informal] you would use with your customers? Make one original post and then respond to one classmate’s post. You will make a total of two.
As a Career Advisor I would have an informal assessment for customers, by interviewing them and get a little knowledge about their interest, then set up an appointment and have a formal assessment by using a (Test) skilled activity, so that they may know what their strong points are and what they may pursue in the future.
As a career advisor my preferred assessment method is informal. I start by assessing the person to determine the interest, observing body language, demeanor, enthusiasm and overall engagement. I understand it could be a little intimidating for some people to talk about their goals and it is also important to remember that not all clients are the same, it is imperative that we pay close attention to their reaction to determine the interview method required to make it a productive session. Once I perceive and identify some of the client’s needs, goals and desires, I believe is appropriate to do a more formal interview.
Being new to the role of career advisor, it is interesting to see the types of assessments there are that you can use with clients. Reading through the chapter, I would say that for the formal assessment side, I would try to learn more about O*Net Interest Profiler or even skillscan. I feel the interest profiler would give a detailed look into a clients mind and use the results to do some more detailed career exploration with them. Preferably for assessments, I would rather go informal and have a conversation with clients. Every individual is unique and will have interests that are different from everyone else. I feel that a conversation where I can ask questions will help me connect with a client and have the client feel connected. This could show future clients that I am genuinely interested in their goals and I am fully ready to assist them. In a one-on-one conversation with a client I would try brainstorming as well. I could find interests they may have, strengths and areas the client may feel they can improve one.
I like your approach MGonzalez11! It is a mixture of assessments and interactions similar to mine. I believe you are really setting a solid foundation by cultivating a valuable/meaningful partnership based on trust through conversation and targeted questioning. I believe that your success is due to the desire for all your clients to find success as well. Keep it up!
I as a Workforce Development Specialist, I use the informal/formal. I use the informal to get to know my client better, to see what their struggles are and also their strengths. If their struggles are financial I refer them to different agencies in our community, where they can be assisted. To prepare them for training we use formal (TABE TEST) to see if they are prepared to attend training. I believe it is very important to use both formal and informal with both we can better serve our clients for their best interest.
I have found informal tends to put my participants at ease, instead of feeling test anxiety.
As a Workforce development Specialist, I mainly work with the youth. Working with youth can be tough at times because 70% of the time they will respond to any question you ask with an ” I don’t know.” There are many types of formal assessments online that can be used with your participants. For example, is one of them. This website provides a career and skills based formal assessment. The assessment consists of 60 interest based questions. Once all questions have been answered you will have test results. I know most career advisors use O*NET but I have learned that Your Free Career Test works better with the youth. It gives us further details on fields, College majors and so much more. Not only will it give an outline of what skills and careers would best suite the client based on their interest but, it will also provide them with a video for every area of interest. I really like this because everyone absorbs information in different ways and this site covers everyway.
Officially, my title and role is a College and Career Readiness Specialist. To me, it is funny how my job title has “specialist” in the name because I feel like it should be replaced with the words Navigator, Coach, or Collaborator. I am still learning so much from my interactions and discussions with students and young adults. This reinforces my belief in how unique each and every client is and how each plan with them will need to be individualized. I believe in a mixture of formal and informal assessments because of the opportunity to build a more whole (holistic) person view of the client. It is important to have data inform our decisions and it is equally as important to dive into the story and motivations behind the data/choices. People are multi-dimensional and we need to assess in the same fashion. I have recently started with a walking interview to get familiar with the client, then I would administer the RIASEC and WIP if I have an “I don’t know what I want to do” type of client. For clients that are pivoting or exploring options, I have encouraged them to journal about activities, interests, and ideas that have crossed their minds. Further along, as we explore motivation, strengths, assets, and personal narrative I have clients participate in an assessment like the Myers-Briggs or Strengths 2.0. My goal is to help clients to do some resource navigation, mapping, and goal setting that is informed by both quantitative and qualitative data.
I also work with youth, and I have not used that resource yet. I will be sure to check it out. We have used the California Career Zone as a resource with youth. It is not perfect, but I do like that students can see what local colleges offer various programs that relate to their interests. It also includes some videos– I wonder if and California Career Zone use the same resources! I also appreciate resources that present information in various ways to support different learning styles and strengths.
Officially, my title and role is a College and Career Readiness Specialist. To me, it is funny how my job title has “specialist” in the name because I feel like it should be replaced with the words Navigator, Coach, or Collaborator. I am still learning so much from my interactions and discussions with students and young adults. This reinforces my belief in how unique each and every client is and how each plan with them will need to be individualized. I believe in a mixture of formal and informal assessments because of the opportunity to build a more whole (holistic) person view of the client. It is important to have data inform our decisions and it is equally as important to dive into the story and motivations behind the data/choices. People are multi-dimensional and we need to assess in the same fashion. I have recently started with a walking interview to get familiar with the client, then I would administer the RIASEC and WIP if I have an “I don’t know what I want to do” type of client. For clients that are pivoting or exploring options, I have encouraged them to journal about activities, interests, and ideas that have crossed their minds. Further along, as we explore motivation, strengths, assets, and personal narrative I have clients participate in an assessment like the Myers-Briggs or Strengths 2.0. My goal is to help clients to do some resource navigation, mapping, and goal setting that is informed by both quantitative and qualitative data.
Learning from students is a lifelong endeavor. I have learned to never assume I understand their strengths and challenges before I listen carefully to what they share with me (which may be minimal to start, depending on the situation). A mixture of formal and informal assessments to build a more holistic view of the student seems the right way to go, and students love to learn more about themselves. Once they see our interest in them and their career choices, they are usually more trusting and open and participative in the career planning process.
@Karen Shores, I love the line “once they see our interest in them and their career choices…” That’s a good one to always keep at top of mind, as the first goal in successfully working with our high school students is for know that we care!
My clients are primarily high school students, and some of them have not experienced a lot of success in school. Many of them also have a hard time identifying or discussing their strengths and interests. I think starting with an assessment that helps them learn that they DO have skills, strengths and values and helps them identify these is a good place to start. I would seek budgetary resources to be able to do the Clifton Strengths Explorer or Strengths for Students. One reason for this is because at our office, we have multiple certified Clifton Strengths coaches, so I would have access to facilitators who are fully qualified to help clients interpret the results. The purpose of this activity would be to help the clients start to view their assets as such and build a positive self-affect. I might follow this up with an interest inventory, to help them see what types of work activities and occupations they may want to explore. With these clients, I would want to be careful to choose an interest inventory that is designed for youth or clients just preparing for their first experiences in the world of work, and also ones that do not include any bias that will make the results less valid for the population. We have in the past used the interest inventory on California Career Zone, which is a website for high school students, and is based on O*Net data. Some of the questions ask students if they would enjoy doing tasks that they may not be familiar with. If a student doesn’t know what “data entry” is, then questions about how much they would enjoy data entry tasks will not give us a valid result. I might still use this assessment, but I would make sure to present the activity in a way in which clients felt comfortable asking for clarification about any vocabulary or tasks they were not familiar with as they completed the inventory. One of the benefits of this assessment is it short/quick, and is online with immediate results. These are things that will help avoid frustration or attention fatigue in a youth client population.
During the intake interview, I would start with an informal assessment. I would ask carefully chosen open-ended questions or topics so that I could gauge the goals, interests, and perhaps the most obvious skills and values of the client. However, realizing that the client may not be aware of their own skills, values, goals, assets and strengths, I would proceed to a more formal assessment in a subsequent session. I agree with An Ta, that I would facilitate the RIASEC assessment and debrief the results and possible career themes with the client. Then I would administer a strengths-based assessment so that the client can view his options through an empowering lens that hopefully will transfer into career choices, attitudes, and behaviors.
Karen you bring a great point about having an informal assessment first. This can help with building rapport with the youth and getting comfortable answering questions about themselves. It can also allow you to get to know the client and what they are interested in to better support their career exploration.
I work primarily with high school students. The assessments I like to use are Strengths and California Career Zone. I like to use Strengths because it puts personality traits that students may have seen or been told is a negative into a positive light. Once they have their results you can follow up with a semi-structured interview to discuss what they think of their results and to dig deeper into their answers. California Career Zone helps students connect their interest, educational goals, and future lifestyle goals into one. It then offers them occupations that they may be interested in to reach those goals. Again, this sight will require some guidance. Students can answer the initial questions on their own but will need someone to go over their results and help guide them through the rest of the site, especially when directed to O*Net.
The flexibility and conversational nature of a “storied approach” fits the bill with my participants! I have found so much can be discovered about an individual’s desires and motivations if you let them tell their story!
I agree with the storied approach. A lot of times clients want to be heard to let them tell how they are feeling and what they are going through. By allowing them to speak and you listen, makes them more comfortable and open to speak up for help.
The students that I serve are Adult learners and some high school seniors from our Alternative education program. This is a very diverse group, with ages ranging from 17-70+. I agree with An Ta, in that it is funny how my title too has “specialist” in it ” Adult Education Workforce Specialist” is my official title but “Navigator” or “Collaborator” do seem much more appropriate. Every student and individual that I serve definitely comes with their own unique traits and desire to do something that they would enjoy and be able provide for self and family. I do believe that in order to really allow students to open up, some very informal assessments are necessary. In the past I have used Virtual Job Shadow, and while it is a great tool but without having those informal assessments first would make it more difficult to gather real information. California Career Zone is also a great resource, the assessment seemed to me to be not as daunting as some can be. I have also appreciated the Strength’s assessment for myself, as it really made me recognize my true Strengths, but I have not utilized for students yet.
Eric, I appreciate your comment as it helped me to reflect on the workforce that I support and although not students I believe I often see a similar challenge when working with military veterans in that starting with an initial assessment could help identify strengths and skills that they may not realize would be valuable to a career field, such as cybersecurity, even if that was not their role in the military. However, their military knowledge, skills and experiences may also lend itself, along with their interest and personal characteristics, to be successful in the cybersecurity field area that has many roles that could benefit from such strengths and skills.
I appreciate and really like the way that K. Swan starts with an assessment that students learn that they Do have strengths and skills. When working with younger students it can be challenging for them to recognize that the skills they have gained while helping babysit or do the yard, those skills are transferable to the work place.
My previous program, I specifically dealt with Employment Support. I believe that there was usually a mix of formal and informal methods used between different parts of the team. But for me specifically, I tended to find myself in guiding toward the informal assessment method. I would really value being able to sit with them and interview them on their past history as what they feel their strengths were, as well as identify areas of growth in order to find resources to help grow those areas. They were given opportunities to attend an orientation that would provide context to the career. And also access to personality and career assessments that were always available when needed.
But after that, we ensured that we were working off of a checklist and other structured worksheets to help with organization of these plans that they were wanting to work toward. It was important that they had the opportunity to discuss any and all questions they had in order for them to make the best decision for what they wanted to pursue.
Hi everyone,
I currently work with high school foster youth and youth experiencing homelessness. I would use strengths for students, for many reasons. The foster youth and youth experiencing homelessness tend to have less positive experiences in their lives. By going with the youth strengths one can empower the youth to seek for something they do well and find other strengths the youth may be able tp bring to the table. A few of my colleague have used Career zone. This is one I am not familiar with but have heard about and would like to get more familiar with.
I have worked with a similar group, so this stood out to me. I looked up that Career Zone and I think it could be an incredibly useful tool for your clients.
I had not thought about using a strengths assessment like Clifton Strengths for the youth I have served. I think this is a great way, as you have mentioned, to empower our young clients/customers. It makes me think of the focus of ‘positive psychology’. Positive psychology’s main aim is to encourage people to discover and nurture their character strengths, rather than channeling their efforts into correcting shortcomings. Positive psychology highlights the need for one to shift their negative outlook to a more optimistic view in order to improve quality of
How encouraging and helpful it would be for our young people to start their career around something they know that they are good at, making it a fun experience? Like Holland has stated instead of the traditional ‘looking for work’, how about ‘What would be fun to try next?’.
Thanks for sharing!
After reading your comment I will be reading and looking into more of this assessment. I believe that encouraging our students to start their career around something they love and know they will be comfortable is very essential.
I agree with this thinking. I wish someone had taken the time to sit with me and ask me about anything having to do with a career it would have saved me a lot of stress early on.
Excellent comments class. So far, all of you have done a great job contributing to this discussion thread. Great work.
I agree Aaron, everyone is contributing some great points. Love to see the open dialogue!
In my career field, Cybersecurity and the one that I am recently task with supporting our workforce for creating and managing a career development program specific to cyberspace/cybersecurity, that little to no attention has been given to assist the workforce with establishing a baseline of where their skills and interests lie based upon their unique personality characteristics that would enable them (with support of supervisor) to develop an individual development plan that would match them to better perform in their current role or to pursue another cybersecurity occupational role. I believe from my readings and lessons in this course that Holland’s RIASEC codes and O*NET Skills Inventory as a starting point to identify an interest profile baseline that could be further explored by the workforce with a professional career planner after they have developed a solid working relationship.
In my previous work as a Career Advisor for a MI Works! office, we have used career interest inventories such as the O*NET Interest Profiler. I worked with adults and youth and always found it interesting that clients/customers do not always consider their interests/hobbies as possible occupations. This especially comes up for adults who are unhappy with their current work or with youth who have no idea what they want to do. It is a very helpful way to get the conversation going for the next assessment: the informal structured interview! I love asking my clients career-related questions! It affords me the opportunity to get to know them better, to understand what their thoughts are about their plans and how might our services be helpful. We can also discuss the results of the O*NET Interest Profiler to begin a more informed discussion about themes and possible preoccupations that can transition to an occupation.
I think O*net is a good tool to use. But the more I look into the online assessments I think there may better options over O*Net. I think by doing a little bit of case management and asking the correct questions is where you will find out the basics and you can go on from there.
If I had an opportunity to create a career assessment plan for my organization, I would want to start with the O*Net skills Inventory which would allow for our participants to gain great insight into potential careers that match their skills and compatibility. Secondly, I would love to introduce a Life Values assessment to aid participants in identifying their values so that they can use the tool to enhance their efforts towards finding a meaningful career.
As a career advisor and going into this field I found out about O*Net and began using this assessment with our participants. I found it very interesting but I honestly believe there are better assessments out there too use. If I were to figure out what type to use the Informal and Formal assessment would be something I would look into. I would also need to know the type of clients this assessments would be given too as I believe sometimes assessments can be helpful but other times they can also be harmful if they do not fit there needs. As far as assessments used I would definitely work on an informal assessment clients can initially answer. Maybe a paper assessment that provides the basic information, what it is they are here for, what is the career choice they are interested, etc. etc. Formally, I would look into an online assessment that may fit our specific services to provide to the participants after they have talked to there case manager.
I am a social individual. I believe in listening and learning from others, which can be helpful when working with clients. When clients see that they are being heard they are more likely to help us help them. I like to engage them by asking them to tell me a little about themselves in work life, personal life to better understand their needs and assist them whether in career, education, or other assistance.